Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. It’s school holidays in Australia. We spent a few days with family in Kyneton (with some mountain-biking in Harcourt and a hike to the summit of Hanging Rock). Continue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. Look up! My horseshoe vortex is included in the new cloud spotters book, A Cloud a Day by Gavin Prector-Pinney. My copy arrived today and it’s beautiful – embossed hard cover; photographs on every page, each accompanied by some cloud science or a reflection; quotes and art work featuring clouds – p.55 is especially good 😉 Continue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. The 2019 Miles Franklin Award goes to Melissa Lucashenko for her novel, Too Much Lip. Check out Lisa and Sue’s reviews.

02. This job in Maldives has come up again… I’m thinking I’ll apply in seven years (when my kids have finished school) – it can be my middle-aged gap year… Continue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. Yay! Favel Parrett has a new book coming in September – There Was Still Love.

02. And there was a hint from Heather Rose about her new bookContinue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. We had our annual international night with friends last week. This year’s country was Argentina – empanadas, Quilmes, Provoleta, Malbec, big steaks, chimichurri, sweet potato jelly (!) and Argentina’s answer to chocolate ripple cake (before you go rushing to make this cake, know that is was almost unbearably sweet – I’ll stick with the empanadas and grilled cheese). Continue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01.  Mrs Roth, with her dextrous but controversial Continental knitting style scares the hell out of me.

“…prepare their needles for combat…”
“…something on her needles all the time, from ladies dresses to men’s cardigans…”
“You can tell the temperament of the woman by just how she’s knitting.”

What I want to know – WHO WON?! Continue reading

Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. So it really has been ages since I did a Bookish post… Over the last two months I’ve had a terrific holiday in Hong Kong; had a tense wait for results after having three more moles removed (all clear. Get your skin checked everyone); wrote eleventy-billion words for uni; and moved house. Our new house has a superb Crepe Myrtle in the backyard. I can’t wait to see it flower. Continue reading

Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren’t Books) That I’d Like To Own


I was standing in a supermarket queue with my son (who was about three at the time) – he had just put on a big performance over not being allowed anything from the wretched lolly display at the checkout. “But I need some!” he wailed. I calmly replied, “You want some, you don’t need them. Want and need are different things.” A woman standing behind me sniggered and, gesturing to her stack of shopping bags said “I needed all this!”

Yes, we’re grown-ups and we understand the difference between want and need. So we also appreciate that I need all of the following:

10. Perfume. That smells like paper. Perfect. Continue reading