Empire Falls by Richard Russo

When I started this blog almost ten years ago, I had an idea for a meme (it’s still sitting in draft posts). The idea was to read the books that my friends considered their ‘favourite’. I never progressed the meme, but I did get a nomination from RoryEmpire Falls by Richard Russo. Yes, shameful that it has taken me so, so long to read this book. And Rory commented on Goodreads that she was nervous that I wouldn’t love it as much as she did. Well… Continue reading

Book vs TV Series – Anna Sorokin

This is not quite a straight-forward book vs TV series, because the book I read about fraudster Anna SorokinMy Friend Anna by Rachel DeLoache Williams – was not the basis for the new Netflix series, Inventing Anna.  Instead, the series was based around a feature article by Jessica Pressler (and her forthcoming book, Bad Influence).

So, read or watch? Continue reading

French Exit by Patrick deWitt – a literary mix tape

I mentioned how slow I’d been to write a review of French Exit by Patrick deWitt. I read it in February – can’t remember much except that I laughed out loud and loved every moment. So, a mix tape instead…

4/5 Dark and hilarious. Continue reading