The Top 54 from the Best Books of 2022 List of Lists

Presenting the 2022 Commonly-Agreed-by-the-People-Who-Publish-Best-of-2022-Book-Lists-Before-December-31 top 54 books.

(This is my annual community service to book-bloggers – a list of the books that appear most frequently on the 52 lists that I listed on Best Books of 2022 – A List of Lists – enjoy!). Continue reading

Six Degrees of Separation – from Stasiland to All Our Shimmering Skies

It’s time for #6degrees. Start at the same place as other wonderful readers, add six books, and see where you end up.

This month we begin with Anna Funder’s examination of the East German Stasi – Stasiland. Continue reading

‘The Road’ by Cormac McCarthy

When I first picked up Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Road, I did what I always do – tweeted it (#reading). Mistake. I had three people immediately tweet back with comments along the lines of “That’s a sure way to ruin 2012” and “Got the Prozac ready?” and “Don’t do it. I was miserable and confused for weeks.”

So I read with a sense of detachment – it’s a shame, I suspect I would have got so much more out of the book if I’d allowed myself to invest in the characters.

The Road tells the story of an unnamed man and his young son, making their way across a grim post-apocalyptic landscape. The air is filled with ash, no plants or animals remain, ghost towns and corpses litter the land. The few humans who are still alive resort to scavenging, cannibalism and thieving to survive. Continue reading