Things That Are Making Me Happy This Week

01. Sunday by the MTC was absolutely brilliant. I took this sneaky pic at the end to capture the way that the set designers had created an oak tree (of course, the pic doesn’t do it justice – it was a magical thing that moved in the ‘breeze’). So much of my Yarra walking time is spent around Heide and the magnificent old oaks planted in that area.

02. Beautiful night at Bargoonga Nganjin North Fitzroy Library to see Vika and Linda Bull in convo with Jacinta Parsons – the energy in the room was absolutely glorious. I have been a fan for decades – I love their storytelling, their obvious bond and their humour.

“I thought Dad named me after Linda Ronstadt, but it was after the electric blanket.”

03. Saw The Whale. Very sad story, excellent acting – surely Fraser will be the Oscar favourite? (although I note that Bill Nighy is also nominated for Living, and I thought he was exceptional in that).

04. Eurovision 2023 is shaping up with lots of countries announcing their entrants.

05. Let’s ignore all the ethical boundary business and just LOL at Shrinking (Apple TV).

06. That moment at work when scheduling meetings and realising that I wouldn’t be there for whatever was being scheduled because I’d be in Hawaii. Yay!

07. A Marimekko and IKEA collab – can’t wait.

3 responses

  1. That new collaboration might make the pain of a trip to Ikea worth while! I always get lost in their warren of rooms and start worrying in case there is a fire and i don’t know how to get out

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