Sample Saturday – beekeeping, letters and a memoir

sample-saturday-4Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

Clade by James Bradley

Why I have it: Probably because I liked the cover. And there was hype and lots of book shop displays.

Summary: A scientist in Antarctica marks the passage of the summer solstice while, back in Sydney, his partner waits for the results of her latest round of IVF treatment. Then there’s a storm and beekeeping.

I’m thinking: Maybe… Someone convince me.

Delicious! by Ruth Reichl

Why I have it: Picked up ages ago when in the search of foodie fiction.

Summary: Non-fiction food writer goes fiction.

I’m thinking: Yes because I like the descriptions of the little girl spending time with the spice rack (I did the same thing was I was young).

Lucky by Alice Sebold

Why I have it: Because years after reading it, The Lovely Bones still scares me.

Summary: Alice Sebold reveals how her life was utterly transformed when, as an eighteen-year-old college freshman, she was brutally raped and beaten in a park near campus.

“Maybe he was angry at the loss of his weapon or at my disobedience. Whatever the reason, this marked the end of the preliminaries.”

I’m thinking: Yes. Powerful stuff.

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