Micro-library in Melbourne Central

There’s a micro-library in Melbourne Central shopping centre! That’s the best reason I’ve heard to visit a mall in a very long time.

The micro-library got underway with a thousand books that were donated or picked up in op shops. Since it opened for business two months ago, there has been a turnover of five hundred books. Geez, when I was a student at Melbourne Uni, I would have been stopping past to browse the collection every other day.

I was somewhat surprised that the executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, Russell Zimmerman, had never heard of the concept before. Read the full story here.

Top Ten Tuesday – Posts that Reveal the True Me!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new ‘top ten’ challenge is posted – anyone can join in. This week’s topic is the ‘Top Ten Posts On Your Blog That Would Give The BEST Picture of YOU’. So, if you were to only read ten posts on my blog, these are the ones I’d want you to see – Continue reading


Some time ago a friend suggested we organise a book exchange morning tea. Super idea, I thought. But it was November – the festive season, school holidays and then the beginning of school got in the way of a concrete plan.

I was reminded of the idea last week. A member of my book group told us how she put all of her books that she no longer needed on a shelf at her work place for others to read – others did the same and it has evolved into a micro-library. Neat.

Then I came across this article about micro-book depots. Some of them are ace. It had me thinking about the morning tea/ book exchange again… Not a book group (because I have one of those), but something… Stay tuned.