Top Ten Tuesday – Posts that Reveal the True Me!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new ‘top ten’ challenge is posted – anyone can join in. This week’s topic is the ‘Top Ten Posts On Your Blog That Would Give The BEST Picture of YOU’. So, if you were to only read ten posts on my blog, these are the ones I’d want you to see –

1. #Reading – a quick summary of I why I started blogging.

2.  ‘Of a Boy’ by Sonya Hartnett. A book I cannot stop thinking about.

3. More Baths and Books. I’m a bit obsessed with book cases, book nooks and home libraries (we all have to have a dream!). There are lots of posts on my blog about these very topics (generally tagged ‘style‘) but I particularly like this one about bookshelves in bathrooms.

4. ‘The Art of Fielding’ by Chad Harbach. Best book I have read so far this year.

5. ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by E.L. James. Be aware that I thought this was one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Crap from start to finish. It would be irresponsible to include only my rave reviews in this list – you need to see the extremes to know more about me. Incidentally, this post almost gets the most hits on my website (but I think that’s because I took the time to quote lots of crap bits from the book which other bloggers have linked to!).

6. Micro-libraries – I love the idea of micro-libraries. A friend and I are hatching a micro-library plan… Stay tuned!

7. Authors that Tweet. I LOVE Twitter (for so many reasons). Twitter fans may have noticed that my blog name is a little play on the hash-tag feature of Twitter (i.e. running words together). It’s also a little play on the style of Charlie & Lola, some of my favourite kid’s book characters.

8. Pairing books and food – I started doing this when I first began blogging and now I can’t help but think “If this book was a food, what would it be?” while I’m reading. Hard to pick favourites here but I do love this chicken and leek pie recipe and there’s always a place in my world for salted caramel in any format.

9. My Very Favourite Books. Cheating a bit here as it’s a page not a post but it’s the online equivalent of having a snoop around someone’s bookshelves (and who can resist that?!).

10. What Book Made You a Reader? – how Milly-Molly-Mandy changed my world.

6 responses

  1. I love the idea of pairing books and food. It is one of the things that I like most about your reviews. You FSoG review also has some hilarious passages. I’m still deciding whether or not to read it. The pages I have read are pretty horrible.

  2. So, I think I’m going to read Fifty Shades of Grey JUST SO I can know what all the positive/negative fuss is about and be able to state my own opinion. I’m pretty sure I’ll agree with your stance on it when I’m done (nothing like going in to a read with a bias against the novel).

    And bookshelves in the bathroom? Genius. Though with my iPad, I can take my bookshelf ANYWHERE…including the little girls’ room (though probably not a public little girls’ room, darn it).

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