The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker

I was thrilled to spot Kayla Rae Whitaker’s debut, The Animators. By all indications, it was exactly my kind of book – a contemporary story about two women, Sharon and Mel, who meet in a university art class. Both outsiders, the women become friends, bonding over their mutual love of underground cartoons. Ten years later, they are still working together, as animators. Their first feature film, based on Mel’s dysfunctional childhood, is a hit but in the middle of celebrating their success, tragedy strikes, testing their working relationship and friendship.

“I scowl at Mel, irritated. Maybe I should just be honest and tell everyone that me cleaning up from the night before has become our truest form of collaboration.” Continue reading

Hurry and finish #ALLTHEBOOKS


I had to make an appointment this morning for about four weeks hence. And the date is in November. And I freaked out. Because after November comes December and then that’s the year, done and dusted. Good grief.

So, given that we’re getting to the pointy end of things, what’s my reading plan? I have some reading challenges to complete, a book club selection, a few ARCs and a couple of books that have been sitting next to my bed for far too long – Continue reading