Cruel Beautiful World by Caroline Leavitt

I won’t pretend otherwise, I was lured by the cover of Caroline Leavitt’s Cruel Beautiful World. It was something about the  muted retro colours, the curl of smoke, the lazy dreaminess it conveyed. But I postponed reading it, purely because of all the hype surrounding Emma Cline’s The Girls – based on the blurbs alone, there seemed to be many similarities between the books – set in the late 60s/early 70s; mentions of the Manson murders; teenage girls losing their way; peace, love and communes; hitch-hiking and breaking rules… In fact, the books are very different. Continue reading

Hurry and finish #ALLTHEBOOKS


I had to make an appointment this morning for about four weeks hence. And the date is in November. And I freaked out. Because after November comes December and then that’s the year, done and dusted. Good grief.

So, given that we’re getting to the pointy end of things, what’s my reading plan? I have some reading challenges to complete, a book club selection, a few ARCs and a couple of books that have been sitting next to my bed for far too long – Continue reading