Australian Women Writers Challenge 2013 Wrap-up


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, oi, oi! I enjoy the Australian Women Writers Challenge – it goes a little way to addressing the gender bias in literary review pages, plus I try to buy my AWW titles from an independent book shop (doing my bit for the Australian publishing industry and independent booksellers).

I signed up for the Miles challenge (read 6 books, review at least 4) but managed to complete the Franklin level (read 10 books, review at least 6). Continue reading

Pursuing Love and Death by Heather Taylor Johnson

Weddings, like Christmas Day, bring out the ‘best’ in families, right?

Heather Taylor Johnson’s debut novel, Pursuing Love and Death, is the story of one family, brought together as they prepare for the wedding of daughter, Luna. Amongst the cast is Luna’s father, Graham, who is struggling to write his own obituary; mother, Velma, who is experiencing a mid-life crisis (and trying to manage a lover seventeen years her junior); and brother Ginsberg, who’s openly gay but is married to a woman named Kate.

“It was good to be on holiday before the holiday began. To have one day to themselves before the shit hit the wedding-white fan. Ginsberg predicted insanity. Someone in the family would lose their mind and for all he knew it might be him.” Continue reading