Australian Women Writers Challenge 2013 Wrap-up


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, oi, oi! I enjoy the Australian Women Writers Challenge – it goes a little way to addressing the gender bias in literary review pages, plus I try to buy my AWW titles from an independent book shop (doing my bit for the Australian publishing industry and independent booksellers).

I signed up for the Miles challenge (read 6 books, review at least 4) but managed to complete the Franklin level (read 10 books, review at least 6). Continue reading

‘Fractured’ by Dawn Barker

I’ve read a handful of books in the past year about mothers under immense mental strain (notably I Came to Say Goodbye, Ten Days and The Mother’s Group).

Fractured, the debut novel by Dawn Barker adds to this list. And I have to ask myself why, why do I keep torturing myself with these grim stories? I spent the last forty-odd pages of this book in tears!

Fractured is the story of Tony and Anna, a young married couple with a new baby, Jack. As you may have guessed by the title, it’s not all happy families. Tony is worried. Anna doesn’t seem to be coping with newborn Jack.  One moment she’s crying, the next she seems almost too positive. What happens next is heart-breaking. Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday – Debut Fiction 2013


What’s on my radar for 2013? I must admit I haven’t been scouting for news of debut authors although a few books due for release in the next few months have caught my eye.

I imagine that for debut authors it’s all about having a fabulous publisher and publicist. In a market crowded with people trying to get a break, why do some books (written by authors no one has ever heard of) attract attention? The Art of Fielding and Tigers in Red Weather are recent examples that come to mind.

The girls over at The Broke and the Bookish are asking bloggers which debuts they’re looking forward to this year. I’ve gone for quality not quantity with this list (*ahem* my excuse for not coming up with ten!). Continue reading