Six Degrees of Separation – from Tales of the City to Norwegian Wood

It’s time for #6degrees. Start at the same place as other wonderful readers, add six books, and see where you end up!

This month we start with Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin. The story is set in San Francisco, California (also known as the Golden State). Hold tight for a rather tenuous link… Continue reading

Six Degrees of Separation – from Elizabeth is Missing to Tales of the City


It’s six degrees of separation for books. Created by Emma Chapman and Annabel Smith. Check out the rules if you want to play along.

We begin with Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healy. It’s a mystery involving an elderly woman. A similar theme runs through The Night Guest by Fiona McFarlane. Continue reading

Books I’m looking forward to in 2014

This week, the Broke and the Bookish set the ‘task’ of listing ‘Top Ten 2014 Debuts I’m Excited For’. At the moment, I’m here:


As a result, I’m not spending time at the computer putting together photo montages of book covers. And my list isn’t debuts, it’s just books I’m looking forward to. And it’s not even ten books, it’s twelve. Do with it what you will. Continue reading