Sample Saturday – newish releases

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

This week, some new(ish) releases that have caught my eye –

Bluebird by Malcolm Knox

Summary: The Lodge is perched impossibly on a cliff overlooking the stunning, iconic Bluebird Beach. The house, like those who live in it, is falling apart.

I’m thinking: Maybe (I think I’m still carrying some disappointment over Wonder Lover).

The Labyrinth by Amanda Lohrey

Summary: Erica Marsden’s son, an artist, has been imprisoned for a monstrous act of revenge. Trapped in her grief, Erica retreats to a sleepy coastal hamlet where she obsesses over building a labyrinth.

I’m thinking: Yes, for the opening lines –

Let me begin in my father’s house. I grew up in an asylum…

The Morbids by Ewa Ramsey

Summary: Caitlin is convinced she’s going to die. She deals with these thoughts by working, self-medicating with alcohol, and attending a support group for people with death-related anxiety (the Morbids). When her best friend announces she’s getting married in Bali, Caitlin must face her fears.

I’m thinking: Yes. Can’t resist a story that starts with Dr. Google.

10 responses

  1. Bluebird was sent to me for review but I’m yet to read it. Still tossing up about The Morbids, leaning towards yes but not fully committed. I’m reluctant to pick up anything that might interrupt my streak of excellent reads at present.

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