Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


01. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my 9yo daughter had a ‘to-do’ list. I’m pleased to report that she sat in the car yesterday knitting, blowing bubbles and listening to Cantonese CDs (thanks to my lovely friend, Sam, we’ve got the ‘knitting sticks’ out and we’re both knitting together).

02. Went to the always-brilliant Little Big Shots festival this week (it’s an international film festival for kids). My fave this year – Bunny New Girl.

03. My attempt to read predominantly from the books in my TBR stack is going extremely well but I have been contemplating how to extend it beyond this year and still support the publishing industry. I very much like Lizzy’s approach to book buying – purchase allowance = (books read + books culled) / 5. Genius.

04. Can’t wait for this new series.

05. And while I’m on things to watch on the small box, how about this?!

06. So hope this turns into a world tour…

07. More music, this to make you laugh.

08. Why didn’t someone tell me about Swim Trek sooner?

09. Everyone in Australia will be watching Barracuda this week, right?

10. People* may not have liked Bridget’s last venture but who cares? This looks tops:

*not me

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop over and say hi.

11 responses

  1. Ooh, that purchase allowance idea sounds like a great way to go about book buying 🙂

    I know that the Bridget Jones movies have never fully followed the plot of the books (save the first one…ish) but I was not expecting that to be the plot of the third movie. Hmm.

    • Its a great strategy for book buying and one I think I can stick to – if you checked your totals each month you would get to go book shopping each month – would certainly make me more thoughtful about what I buy.

      I’m wondering if they went with the baby story line for Bridget because the most recent book wasn’t as well received?? Or maybe they’re trying to get two movies out of the book?

  2. Re Tsiolkas, loved “The Slap”, both the book and the ABC’ s handling of it; disliked “Barracuda” totally but no doubt good old ABC will make the best of it.

    • I enjoyed Barracuda and excited to see what they’ve done with it (was filmed at Xavier, in case you’re thinking some of it looks familiar!). I reckon we’re in good hands with the ABC.

    • Yes, I wish I could get through my own to-do list as quickly as I facilitate hers. Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that my list has things like ‘pay phone bill’ as opposed to ‘blow a bubble with bubblegum’.

  3. I will definitely give the Bridget Jones “Baby” movie a try….and I absolutely loved that show The Slap. The “hippie parents,” however, were so annoying. LOL.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. I’m planning on watching Barracuda, but not excited about it. I found The Slap (tv and book) a drain and gave up on both. But that was years ago. Maybe Barracuda will be better.

    I like your idea of a purchase allowance. And you should do a thing where you say to yourself, “I’m not allowed to use my next purchase allowance until I’ve read this purchase allowance” (or would that be too hard?).
    Thinking about this for myself, I could justify getting a book subscription. If I sign up for a subscription, it’s about $30/month for one book. I do most of my shopping at Dymocks, so that’s about what I’d spend on one book anyway (give or take a few dollars), but a subscription has the bonus of it being delivered right to me, so I avoid going into a bookshop and walking out with three books (which is what I normally do because just one book seems like a wasted trip).

    Good on you guys with your knitting. I really need to learn. I can crochet but I don’t know that I’m coordinated to use two needles.

  5. Pingback: I want… | booksaremyfavouriteandbest

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