The Other Typist – the ending

This is the most controversial post I’ve written and am likely to ever write on this blog because, as a rule, I don’t do spoilers.

But this post is full of spoilers and the only way I’ll sleep at night after hitting ‘publish’ is knowing that in all probability, the only people who’ll be reading it are those that have already read The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell and had the same reaction as me when they reached the ending (which was “Whaaaaaaaat?!).

If you haven’t read The Other Typist and you’re looking for a review of the book then please, please, please stop reading this now. It’s an insanely good story and there’s no point spoiling it for yourself. But if you are in need of a discussion regarding the ending, I understand. Because I have been talking about the ending of this book non-stop and I still don’t feel any closer to an answer. Continue reading