You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Okay, next time I mention that I’m planning on reading a thriller can you please stage a ‘reading intervention’?

I won’t go into the detail of You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, short of saying it’s the standard middle-class-women-go-psycho thriller. Continue reading

One thriller and one crime novel


The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

I have a poor track record when it comes to reading thrillers. Mostly because they’re simply not thrilling – I either spend time guessing what has happened and then watching it unfold (The Girl on the Train) or thinking “This is just far-fetched stupidity” (Gone Girl). So how did the bestseller, The Wife Between Us, hold up? Very, very well. Continue reading

The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen

File The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen under ‘The Big Chill genre’. You know the story – university friends reunite, secrets and old hostilities/romances emerge, group stereotypes are all represented.

The Best of Us features the nerd (who has since become a multi-millionaire, obvs), the do-gooder, the ‘high-school sweethearts’, the seductress and the ring-in. There are jealousies, misconstrued situations, some burning desires and a hurricane… but nothing that takes ‘The Big Chill’ to the next level. Continue reading

20 books of Summer (except that it’s Winter)

20-books-of-summer-master-imageIn light of my post about my Netgalley habit and the fact that after June 19th I’ll have oodles of reading time (because exams will be over), I’ve decided to join Cathy’s 20 Books of Summer reading challenge. Except that it’s winter here. And therein lies the really ace thing about reading – it’s suited to #ALLTHESEASONS. Yes, there’s nothing better than having sand in the crack of your paperback (you thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you?) but it’s equally lovely to burrow under the doona, warm and toasty, and kill an hour with a book. Continue reading