Notes on a Scandal by Zoë Heller

Things that are truly innocent don’t need to be labelled as such.

I haven’t read a real page-turner for ages. My reading tends to be immersive in a different way – getting lost in lovely sentences, pausing to consider what I’ve read. Zoë Heller’s Notes on a Scandal (also titled What Was She Thinking?) changed the routine. I raced through it, keen to see what happened to the (quite frankly) horrible characters. Continue reading

Tampa by Alissa Nutting


Honestly, enough has been written about Tampa by Alissa Nutting without me giving it more airtime.

So why did I read it? I was intrigued by the advertising when it was first published (in Australia, print ads were nothing more than a picture of the cover with the word #discussTampa below) – publicity that’s just a Twitter hashtag? Hmmm, interesting. Intrigued, I searched #discussTampa on Twitter and there was lots of heated discussion. So yes, I didn’t want to miss out (publicist, you get your Christmas bonus this year).

The haters have had this to say – Continue reading