Sample Saturday – a choir, generations, and dying

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

The Angry Women’s Choir by Meg Bignell

Why I have it: A reading friend loved it.

Summary: Once in a while, everyone needs to be heard. The West Moonah Women’s Choir is a place of music, laughter, friendship and a humming wellspring of rage.

I’m thinking: Yes (for all of the Cyndi Lauper references alone!).

I Couldn’t Love You More by Esther Freud

Why I have it: Not sure.

Summary: Three generations of women, crossing from London to Ireland and back again, and the enduring effort to retrieve the secrets of the past.

I’m thinking: No.

Should We Stay or Should We Go by Lionel Shriver

Why I have it: I usually read Shriver’s new books (although I’m late to this one).

Summary: Having seen the protracted death that is Alzheimer’s, couple Kay and Cyril agreed to suicide together once they’ve both turned eighty. When their deal is sealed, the spouses are blithely looking forward to another three decades together. But then they turn eighty.

I’m thinking: Yes.

6 responses

  1. I loved the Shriver book and I would say that I am not a fan. It was funny and thought provoking and much better than I anticipated. It was a book club choice so not a book I would have picked up myself.

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