Things That Are Making Me Happy This Week

01. A day in Castlemaine:

02. Dinner with friends at a local (and ever reliable) restaurant. The winner was a savory Parmesan cannolo with ricotta, chives and smoked trout (crisp, salty and creamy).

03. Saw Monet & Friends at The Lume – the Impressionist bits were lovely (and so relaxing sitting there surrounded by beautiful images and music) but what I really enjoyed were the three short films that followed – Australian Cloud Atlas; Bioluminescence; and the incredible Ghost Trees.

04. Switched one streaming service off and turned another on (Apple TV). I’ve watched Physical (especially loved the costumes, the soundtrack and the characters of Bunny and Tyler) and now I’ve started Bad Sisters. What are the Apple TV must-sees? (and yes, Ted Lasso is next on the watch-list).

05. Every time I make this char-grilled Korean chicken, I’m reminded of how delicious it is.

06. Returned for more walking at Jumping Creek today. Just as beautiful as last week, but this time we had the added bonus of spotting an echidna (my fab video here), happily foraging less than two metres from where we were standing (as still as statues!).

8 responses

  1. This is where I get to brag about my latest culinary exploit. We have a surfeit of cucumbers from the garden, and one can only drink so many Bertie’ Garden cocktails, so today I made cucumber gelato. Kate, it is to die for!

  2. I saw the Van Gogh one in 2020 just after the lockdowns eased. Numbers were limited and everyone wore masks, but it was the first outing I’d had since the pandemic started. The sensory overload was too much. Too much beauty. I cried.

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