Sample Saturday – three recent releases

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye. This week, all three picks are recent releases –

My Heart is a Little Wild Thing by Nigel Featherstone

Summary: Patrick has always considered himself a good son, forgoing his own needs to look after his mother. After an argument leads to a violent act, he leaves to reflect on what his life could have been.

I’m thinking: No (even though I love that cover).

Ruth and Pen by Emilie Pine

Summary: Dublin, 7 October 2019. One day, one city, two women: Ruth and Pen. They don’t know each other, but both are questioning relationships.

I’m thinking: Maybe. Not entirely convinced by the style.

Sunbathing by Isobel Beech

Summary: After weeks of grieving, a woman books a plane ticket bound for an old villa in the mountains of Abruzzo, Italy. As her inner and outer worlds spar and converge, she dwells on the moments with her father that might have warned her something was wrong.

I’m thinking: Yes.

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