Sample Saturday – a birth, ageing, and a twisted heroine

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

Eleven Hours by Pamela Erens

Why I have it: Spotted on A Life in Books.

Summary: Two soon-to-be mothers who, in the midst of a difficult labor, are forced to face their pasts and re-create their futures.

I’m thinking: Yes, it’s different.

I Feel Bad about My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron

Why I have it: I mentioned Heartburn this week and realised I haven’t read enough Ephron.

Summary: Essays about ageing, hair dye, handbags and treadmills.

I’m thinking: Yes, for lines like this – “Evening bags, for reasons that are obscure unless you’re a Marxist, cost even more than regular bags.”

The Butcher’s Hook by Janet Ellis

Why I have it: No idea.

Summary: Anne Jaccob is coming of age in late eighteenth-century London. She’s taken advantage of by her a friend of her father’s; is set to marry a horrid snob; and begins a romance with the butcher’s boy. She’s cunning, bored and a little unhinged.

I’m thinking: Yes, it’s dark and intoxicating.




17 responses

  1. Butchers Hook is as mad and as good as others say. Really liked this book once got over the initial hurdle of coming to terms with fact that if Janet Ellis can come up with this what would one of the mad Blue Peter presenters come up with!

  2. I just recently read I Feel Bad about My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman and it was superb. I love Eprhon.

    • I’m so busy looking at new books that authors I’ve enjoyed (but haven’t read everything they’ve written) fall off my radar. Need to fix that in the case of Ephron!

      • I totally do the same thing. I have such a hard time balancing time between new books and my backlist.

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