Book stuff – what’s not to love?

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is all about the book-related stuff that fills your heart with joy. One might argue that it was time for the Broke and the Bookish team to break out the Top One Hundred for this topic but anyhoo, I’ve narrowed it down to ten book-related things that make me very happy.

1. This –


2. The Readings monthly newsletter – this little bit of ace arrives in my letterbox (the old-fashioned way) each month and I read armed with a pen to circle #ALLTHEBOOKS I want to read and #ALLTHEEVENTS I want to attend.

3. Book related fashion purchases (still can’t believe I don’t own this).

4. The few weeks at the end of the year when everyone publishes their lists of favourites (and although I might whinge, I do love putting together the reviewers’ Lists of Lists).

5. That sometimes I have to keep reading while I’m cooking dinner.

6. Author talks (and feeling quietly smug that thanks to The Wheeler Centre and Melbourne being a UNESCO City of Literature, we get brilliant authors visiting).

7. That my children understand (and respect) that when I say “I just have to finish this chapter”, it means ‘make yourself scarce for another five minutes’.

8. Reading every night until I fall asleep – somehow, after 35+ years of doing this, I know the precise moment to put the book down.

9. Choosing the paperbacks I take with me to the beach (it’s my favourite bit of holiday planning).

10. Having a sticky-beak at other people’s book shelves.






22 responses

  1. Wow, I just randomly clicked on your blog from the TTT link up and you’re a Melbourne blogger too! What are the odds? I have to agree with the Readings newsletter—I live for it!

    My TTT

    • *waves* I know that everything in the Readings newsletter is on their blog and website but it’s not quite the same as sitting down with a gin and tonic (I mean cup of tea) and the hard copy,

    • And even more impressive (but too long and not pithy enough for this list) was the fact that every day at lunchtime my kids would allow me about 10-15 minutes uninterrupted time to eat my lunch and read. Doesn’t sound like much but when I had four kids under five years, it was bliss. I’d often hear one of the older ones say “Shhh! Mum’s reading her chapter.” Pretty sure that this little bit of time each day saved my sanity.

  2. Oh I so adore that last quote!! *flails* I hadn’t heard it before, but so true right?! I’m the kind of person who always checks out my friends’ bookshelves if I visit them. XD Also bookish fashion is fabulous. ;D I don’t own any bookish shirts or anything…yet. It’s on my to-do list! 😀
    Here’s my TTT!

    • I own a few bookish clothing items – the odd bit of Alice-inspired jewellery and a couple of scarves with quotes printed on them. Have had my eye on a Kate Spade book clutch for ages… think I’ll be waiting a bit longer to justify that treat!

  3. What I would give to actually attend a talk given by my favorite authors. Well, short of booking plane tickets and hotel rooms. I would love to do it some day. It’s high on my bucket list.

    • I think I’m very lucky to have so many authors visit Melbourne. Probably my favourites over the years have been Lionel Shriver (she is FASCINATING), Dave Eggers, Hannah Kent, Chad Harbach and most recently, Charlotte Wood. I would give an arm and a leg to see John Irving and Judy Blume.

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