Best books of 2015 – a list of lists

NYT books 2015

It started because I was peeved by the number of ‘Best Books of 20??’ lists published in November (no one reads in December, obviously… or perhaps just not great books?). It continues as a community service. Here’s a round-up of some of the ‘Best of…’ lists for 2015. It’s a list of lists – go mental, add to your TBR stack like a lunatic (and read those books in December – that’ll show ’em).

Readings Best Fiction of 2015 – Two of these will make my ‘best of 2015’ list.

Kirkus Reviews Best Fiction Books of 2015 – an eclectic hundred, with contemporary lit sitting alongside books with women wearing pouffy dresses on the cover…

The FT’s Best Books of 2015 – separate lists of the best of art, poetry, architecture, economics and so on. There’s a fiction list in there, and an interesting opening essay on 2015 trends in literature.

“Indeed, it was noticeable this year that the books that excited readers and prize juries were often those most willing to test the conventions of genre.”

The Independent Top 15 Books in Fiction – wade through the words and a list emerges.

New York Times Notable Books 2015 – some expected, some surprises.

Amazon Best Books of 2015 – please note, A Little Life is not listed. I repeat, A Little Life is not listed.

Publishers Weekly Best Books 2015 – Quite frankly, I think a list of 150 books is a bit rude but there is a list within the list of 25 fiction picks.

Washington Post’s Ten Best Books of 2015 – includes links to other lists such as ‘50 best fiction books‘, graphic novels and so forth. They love a list at the Post.

The Independent Ireland Eason Book Club Novel of the Year – as you would expect, this short list includes Enright.

Library Journal’s Best Books 2015 – an eclectic ten.

The Telegraph Best Books of 2015 – a conservative twelve on the list.

The Denver Post Best Fiction Books 2015 – comes with the promise that “One of these 15 books has your name on it”.

Popsugar 9 Great Books that Came Out in 2015 – well they included Blume, so I included them.

Book Page Best Books of 2015 – there will be 50 of them, find the ‘bottom 25’ here.

The ABC’s Book Club Five of the Best – as voted for by viewers.

Buzzfeed 24 Best Fiction Books of 2015 – just saying, no mention of Purity…

MRP Best Books of 2015 – I like their emphasis on receiving books.

No doubt there will be more lists. I’ll add them if I have the strength.

Last year I collated a list of the books that cropped up on multiple lists – it seemed others liked this list more than this list of lists, so I’ll repeat the exercise within the next few days. I’ll also give the word ‘list’ a rest.


9 responses

  1. Yay, thanks for featuring this again this year! 🙂 It’s so weird how they compile it now…I probably wondered about this last year, but maybe to beat the holiday rush/knowing people will be away to bother putting these lists together and people reading them? *ponders*

  2. Oh no… I don’t know if I want to click on these links. I’m wanting to put together a ‘my fave books of 2015’ list and I read someone else’s and had barely heard of any of the books. My taste is really quite prosaic in comparison!

  3. Thanks for doing this I was thinking of the need to start posting lists, too but I am most interested in YA books and few lists include them. School Library Journal best lists is out and they focus on books for school age students and Publisher’s Weekly has a YA fiction list.

  4. Pingback: The top 32 from the Best Books of 2015 List of Lists | booksaremyfavouriteandbest

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