Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


1. Did you have hot plans for Valentine’s Day? I did. Literally. My whole family went to the World Cup Cricket match between Australia and England, along with 90,000 others. We baked in the hot sun. Baked. Swear to God I sweated away five kilos.

2. How brilliant is this story about a book group?

3. I think I’ve mentioned that Nick Hornby and I are on thin ice. This might pull him back to safe ground – he’s writing the screenplay for Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe.

4. I don’t talk about children’s books on this blog much at all (because reviewing them is part of my actual job). But I do really love Tiny – The Invisible World of Microbes. It’s basically the best science picture-book I’ve seen. If you know a kid, get them this book.


5. Interesting list of ‘radical’ books about motherhood. – article is by Elisa Albert, whose new book, After Birth, is in my TBR stack.

6. Summer’s almost over. Wish I’d seen this earlier. #want

7. I never get tired of stripes. Never ever. #want

8. So now I have a double bass in my life. How do these things happen to me? It started with this:

hellotuba-1And then we got to the school and my son started trying #ALLTHEINSTRUMENTS

hellotuba-2My son wasn’t feeling the tuba-love but was feeling the euphonium-love. Yay! But then he spied the double bass…

hellotuba-3Some input from tweeps:

hellotuba-4And then his final selections (the school then allocates instruments according to preference/ availability):

hellotuba-5Meanwhile, I pondered:hellotuba-6And then, yesterday:

hellotuba-7Seriously, where the hell are we going to keep it? I’m not even joking…

9. The Katering Show. The We Quit Sugar episode made me snort. Seriously, if you don’t laugh about the Quinoa Stack, we can’t be friends.

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop over and say hi.

8 responses

  1. 2. I read about that. Sounds like a lark but I wonder how it reads.

    6. There are 2 left in stock. BUY FOR NEXT YEAR. Plus, March can still be roolly hot here.

    Flew home on Val Day and arrived night of 15th, so missed it by this much. We usually do something, even at home, a grown-up meal of seafood and champagne but he managed to avoid it all this year. We exchanged cards though.

  2. I was recovering from a wedding on V Day, it kinda didn’t register.
    Love the Katering Show, funny how everyone seems to be discovering it all of a sudden.

  3. Pingback: Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts | booksaremyfavouriteandbest

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