Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe


Dear Nina,

Thanks for your book, Love, Nina. It made me laugh.

It made me wish I’d had a long city/overseas adventure that meant I wrote newsy letters to my sister (actually, I don’t have a sister but if I did, I’m sure she’d be a top person to correspond with, just like Vic).

You reminded me that letters don’t need to be deep or heavy on big-ticket emotions – there’s lots to love in the detail of everyday life.

I learned about all sorts of funny things, such as the rights of King Charles Spaniels and that coddled eggs are for wimps. Plus you’re dead-right about Romeo and Juliet.

I think S & W were lucky to have you as a nanny – clearly you did an ace job (even if you didn’t wear shoes and lost the saw).



P.S. For most of the book I was thinking ‘What’s with you and Nunney?!’

P.P.S. If we ever meet, at a book-signing or such, I’d like to see the ‘mouth in a perfect square’ trick. Thanks


I received my copy of  Love, Nina from the publisher, Little Brown and Company, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. I give it a 3.5/5.

10 responses

  1. Your post arrived at a great time to lighten my Monday morning as am on train stuck in Tulse Hill. Perhaps I should write a letter to my sister about being stuck in Tulse Hill (but having looked out window maybe not!)

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