Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


1. I spent last weekend looking at this view (Phillip Island, Victoria). With my mother’s group. And champagne. And Mint Slices. Sublime.

2. If you hadn’t heard (or missed my mention last week), the Australian Government is making a dog’s breakfast of basically everything. Farewell health system. Farewell public education. Farewell social benefit schemes. If I think about it anymore, I’m going to turn into an angry, bitter person. So instead, let’s focus on hoops. Hoop earrings (no, not shallow at all). I’m having a hoop earring renaissance (because I wore them for a good part of the eighties).

3. This cartoon, in the monthly magazine published by my brilliant, local independent bookshop, Readings. It’s by Oslo Davis, who always makes me laugh.


4. Rory, I didn’t win the lottery, so at this stage* I won’t be flying you over for this.

5. My son told me he needed an electric guitar for his music exam. I called bullshit. Then found out he’s probably right… #sendearplugsstat

6. We’re going to an eighties party soon. Stay tuned for a pic of my costume. It’s going to be ace**.

7. Reading Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe at the moment. Not a fan of the Australian cover (left). Prefer the UK (right) and US versions (centre). Thoughts?


8. Melbourne is a UNESCO City of Literature (credentials listed here). This week it was announced that the title comes with an office (of the bricks and mortar kind). I already feel blessed that Melbourne gets lots of great literary events, hopefully it means even more come our way (if you’re reading this John Irving or Judy Blume, you might like to come to Melbourne and do an author talk. Just a suggestion).

9. I’ve got so much frigging revision to do for uni exams that I’m now exercising every procrastination and avoidance technique I know.

10. This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper is one of my favourite books because it made me laugh and cry. When I heard there was going to be a film, I was nervous (you understand why, being a favourite book and all). The trailer was released today. I think they’ve got it right. Phew.

Christine at Bookishly Boisterous started this meme – get amongst it.

* There’s still time.

** Although probably not as good as when I made a mirror ball for a seventies party (and husband went as a flashing dance floor).

10 responses

    • I made a sandwich-board style piece, filling the frame with different coloured cellophane squares. Then we rigged up some flashing bike lights under it and hey presto, flashing dance floor! My wearable, papiermache mirror ball was months in the making. I’ll try to find a pic.

      For the eighties party, my lips are sealed (for now). All will be revealed 😉

  1. I think you need to do a blog post of some of your previous smash hit party costumes, complete with pics.

    This is Where I Leave You – Is that Jason Bateman I see? You’ll be right as rain if he’s in it. Just LOVE how his career has had a resurgence since his days in the Valerie sitcom!

  2. I got pretty excited when I saw the trailer for This is where I leave you–it looks good (but was I spoiled a bit by the trailer?). I haven’t read the book but I hope to pick it up soon 😀

    #9 — Good times xD Best of luck with the revisions!

    Love the comic from #3, lol. It was like the year of the massive novels 😀

    • You MUST read the book. Before the film, of course 😉

      I haven’t read the Dicker novel yet. It’s in my reading stack but just not sure I can tackle a big book while I’ve still got uni work to do – certainly don’t want to get totally engrossed in something!

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