A Year of Sample Saturdays 2017

I’ve read 99 Kindle samples this year – downloading sample chapters is better than impulse buying books… I think. Of the 99 I’ve read, I’ve said ‘yes’ to 53. Of those that I’ve said yes to, a bunch I’ve now read (or have in the TBR pile), thanks to the library, ARCs and two purchases (I was at the author talks – it would have been rude not to!).

However, if I buy the remaining 47 books, it kind of destroys the small gains I’ve made on reducing the TBR stack this year. So, I’ve narrowed it down to 12 that I’m busting to read. Continue reading

Non-fiction November: Be the Expert/ Become the Expert

Most of my non-fiction reading is related to what I’m studying/ have studied at uni – genetics and now counselling. Although these areas are separate, there’s a fascinating intersection when you start looking at the role of instinct, intuition, nature/nurture and fields such as neuroplasticity.

Like this week’s Nonfiction November host, Sophisticated Dorkiness, I’m going to break the rules a little bit and offer up a list that’s a combination of Be the Expert and Become the Expert – three books about the intersection between our physical being and our psychological being.

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