My Best Books for 2016


A ‘classic’ was defined by Italian author Italo Calvino as “…a book that’s never finished saying what it has to say.”

Now, I’m not claiming that the books I truly loved this year are ‘classics’, however, I’m borrowing Calvino’s definition to guide my list of top picks for 2016. This year, I’m paying less attention to five-star ratings and more attention to the books that are still speaking to me. Continue reading

Mothering Sunday by Graham Swift

Truly, there were probably a dozen things about Graham Swift’s Mothering Sunday that could have annoyed me –

  • the cloying “Once upon a time…” opening
  • the Cinderella riff
  • the subtitle, ‘A Romance’, for it’s seemingly a story about a maid being taken advantage of…(or is it?)
  • the lengthy descriptions of stains on sheets
  • the improbability of a maid walking around a stately home, naked, and laying books across her bare breasts
  • the 400-page-price-tag on what is actually a novella*

But all is forgiven Mr Swift because, when you revealed your twist – a small but perfect tragedy – I gasped.

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It’s been so long…


Oh, how I laughed when I read the topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Books That Have Been On Your Shelf (Or TBR) From Before You Started Blogging That You STILL Haven’t Read Yet. Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish notes that it’s sad that she’s had some books for six years and still hasn’t read them…. Six years? Pfft. One of the books on my list has been sitting next to my bed for fourteen years. Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday – I’ve Got it Covered


It’s really not a Top Ten Tuesday without me bending the rules a little…

This week’s topic (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) is all about favourite covers of books that you’ve read. It’s an ace topic as I have been known to judge a book by its cover. Rather than look back on jacket art that I have loved (and read), I looked at my TBR stack and picked out ten books that I bought based on the cover. Yes, I’m that shallow. Continue reading