Top Ten Tuesday – I’ve Got it Covered


It’s really not a Top Ten Tuesday without me bending the rules a little…

This week’s topic (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) is all about favourite covers of books that you’ve read. It’s an ace topic as I have been known to judge a book by its cover. Rather than look back on jacket art that I have loved (and read), I looked at my TBR stack and picked out ten books that I bought based on the cover. Yes, I’m that shallow.


1. A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams – it’s just like Tigers in Red Weather (my favourite cover of 2012 and also one of the best books I read last year).

2. The Autobiography of Us by Aria Beth Sloss – more Tigers-inspired cover work.

3. Skippy Dies by Paul Murray – kind of retro… but not.

4. The Fields by Kevin Maher – there’s a certain promise in this jacket (maybe because it has a similar font to The Art of Fielding)

5. The Love Song of Jonny Valentine by Teddy Wayne – oh look! Something shiny!

6. The Light of Day by Graham Swift – you need to feel this one – embossed leaves in autumnal colours – lush.

7. Flatscreen by Adam Wilson – looks just like lad-lit should look

8. And Sons by David Gilbert – a hint of Manhattan never fails to win me.

9. The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P by Adelle Waldman – appealing combination of old-fashioned and pop

10. Beautiful Fools by R. Clifton Spaigo – #Gatsbyfactor


18 responses

  1. Haha, number 5…though I like the cover for that reason as well. Love number 1 and 10 primarily because of their retro feel and secondly because I want to trade places with the women on the beach (specifically a beach where it’s warm enough to wear a swimsuit).

  2. The first one looks amazing – I’d definitely pick that up. I also like the looks of The Light of Day’ & ‘And Sons’ – though I haven’t heard of any of them. I too am a sucker for Manhattan.

  3. The only one I’ve read is The Love Song of Jonny Valentine — and it’s a good one, not just for the cover! Some really pretty ones here, must check them out. I esepcially like the look of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. Nice list!

  4. I have Skippy Dies on my TBR list, actually — it’s the cover that first attracted me! I like The Light of Day as well, and since you mention it: I think I’ll see if the library has it. I just love it when covers are embossed.

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