Things That Are Making Me Happy This Week

01. The MTC 2024 program has been launched and I’m thrilled. Much to look forward to, especially the classic, A Streetcar Named Desire, and a musical version of My Brilliant Career.

02. Lemon ricotta cake – this recipe is a winner.

03. International Cloud Appreciation Day (although it was a perfect blue sky in Melbourne on Friday).

04. The glorious weather! (and this Insta post made me laugh).

05. Very excited to hear that The Buoys (one of my new favourites), are back in the studio and recording a new album.

06. Papa Salt Coastal gin. Zesty and delicious.

07. Last year I completely buggered up my acorn (when removing it from the vase, the shoot snapped away from the acorn). Rather than ditching it, I chucked it in a pot and left it to its own devices. This morning? New growth!

08. Watched: Judy Blume Forever doco (Prime) – Judy reading the fan letters made me cry.

09. A dinner party with new friends. Bring back the dinner party, I say.

10. How were those Baggers? Prelim here we come (image).

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