Things that are making me happy this week

01. MTC’s production of As You Like It – such a joyful note to end the theatre year on.

02. The production features the music of the brilliant Kate Miller Heidke, which prompted me to revisit Seven Sonnets & a Song.

03. My vinyl edition of Voyage arrived.

04. Three selections from the British Film Festival this week –

05. It’s not like I don’t have enough on my ‘to-cook’ list, but I love asparagus and it features heavily on this recipe list.

06. Summer dress.

07. Movie version of The Lost Daughter coming to Netflix in December.

08. My hydrangeas are beginning to bloom.

6 responses

    • But I’m guessing you’re ready to pick any day?!
      We had a fig tree that we’d watch like hawks, trying to judge when to pick before the birds beat us to it. Eventually a friend (who is Greek and knows her way around a fig!) told me to pick early, line a plate with fig leaves, put the figs on the leaves and wait until they ripen – works every time!

  1. I might have to venture out to the cinema to see Mothering Sunday. I’ve been a bit wary of that recently. Coincidentally, I rewatched Last Orders yesterday which, unusually, I thought was better than the book.

  2. Pretty dress … except I’m not a blue girl and don’t really like boat necks. Have to watch out too hard for the straps. I do like an a-line and longer loose sleeves though.

    Have only seen one film at the BFF, Ali and Ava which we liked, but friends really liked Belfast. It’s still on so we might get to another. Saw trailers for the Coens’ Macbeth. Will try to see that.

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