Things that are making me happy this week

01. The Melbourne Theatre Company 2022 program (don’t talk to me about Opera Australia – I’m fuming). So much to look forward to at MTC, including some books transformed for the stage (Touching the Void by Joe Simpson; Fun Home by Alison Bechdel; Come Rain or Come Shine by Kazua Ishiguro; and Laurinda by Alice Pung).

02. A bunch of author talks this week (and more planned for next week) –

Charlotte on ‘objects’ in fiction (she credits Helen for ‘making objects work for you if you just respect them’) – “…you have to choose an object that doesn’t have all this freight around it… and you give it meaning by placing it in relation to emotional things.” 

Carrie Tiffany on press coverage after she won inaugural Prize, “The headline was ‘Mitcham Mum Wins Literary Prize’. If a male had written the story the headline would have been ‘Forensic Look at Nature and Desire.’” 

03. Guessing everyone has read Bad Art Friend by now? It is fascinating, and I’ve already talked about it with friends for hours. (Noted that someone on social media labelled it the ‘Tiger King of Lockdown 6.0′)

04. Barry reacting to the viral Mandy videos 🙂

05. …and that Barry has a musical, Harmony, coming to Broadway. Planning a trip to NYC now, obvs.

06. Film festivals are coming.  Looking forward to British Film Festival – high on my list will be Mothering Sunday (based on the book by Graham Swift).

07. Watching: Scenes From a Marriage (Foxtel/Binge) – soooooo good; and The Father (via Palace Cinemas at Home) – not what I expected, and told in a very interesting way.

08. This article about what happened when Gen X grew up (link via Book Jotter).

09. …. so the bit about Deborah Levy’s banana plant in that article is the perfect segue to an avocado update 😉

15 responses

  1. I’ve never forgiven Opera Australia for the debacle of The Ring Cycle. A subscriber for many years, I found that by the time I got home from work, all the tickets were sold.
    By the time they’d found the wherewithal to meet the demand, my friends and I weren’t interested, We had had four weeks of top class opera with the world’s best principals at my place, courtesy of the New York Met. We frocked up, drank champagne, had much better nibbles than ever you’d get at the arts centre, and because it was on DVD, I’ve been able to watch it again and again and again.

    • I do love opera at home 🙂 I never even attempted OA’s Ring Cycle. I had kids and work to manage and from memory it was in December – I simply couldn’t commit the time. I have a vague plan to do one of those Ring Cycle opera tours overseas one day.

      My peevishness (fury) this year is the imbalance between the Melbourne and Sydney programs. Melb gets two productions and two concerts, Sydney TEN productions and four concerts. Honestly, how are places like the Arts Centre to revive with that sort of programming? I’ve subscribed for over thirty years (half of that with the same friend) – we’ll go to the paltry two productions but will be looking at Melbourne or Vic opera companies as our main subscription going forward.

      • Melbourne has always had a second-rate program, less of it, sets that look lame on our bigger stage, less of the great singers, and all of it packed into a too-short season so that you are exhausted if you try to see everything you want to. My love of opera stems from the days of the Victorian State Opera Company and its demise was a cultural disaster IMO. It fell prey to the opera is for the elite narrative…

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