Things that are making me happy this week

01. We went to the Rain Room. It’s a strange and extraordinary experience.

02. Black Star Pastry have done a collab with the Rain Room as part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival. So we had (!) to eat a piece of Rain cake and a piece of Strawberry and Watermelon cake (both delicious but the Rain cake was the winner).

03. Saw two movies – French Exit and Girls Can’t Surf – both terrific. And now planning a stay at Pam Burridge’s women’s surf retreat with my surf buddy (we ‘peaked’ in 1991 and laughed about that during the movie).

04. More on movies – one of my 2020 favourites (Writers & Lovers by Lily King) is hitting the screen.

05. Lunch and a stroll around Heide this week (the Patricia Piccinini exhbition was…. um… challenging… and the Robert Owen a ‘visual cleanse’).

06. Obsessed with Deutschland 83 (on Stan in Australia).

07. This week the Yarra Project took us to the spot where the Plenty River meets the Yarra.

8 responses

  1. Oh, I loved Deutschland 83 when it was as screened in the UK a few years back. The music was brilliant. Sadly the second series wasn’t a patch on the first.

  2. I loved the audiobook of French Exit but really wish the ending was done differently. I didn’t know there was a movie. Also, how is Writers and Lovers already a film? The book just came out recently, I thought!

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