Sample Saturday – three modern classics

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye. This week, all three are books that might be considered modern classics (although from very different periods).

Grand Days by Frank Moorhouse

Summary: The moral and sexual awakening of an idealistic young Australian woman working in the diplomatic corps in Europe in the aftermath of World War I.

I’m thinking: Maybe – I feel wary about men writing women’s ‘sexual awakenings’ – always has a sense of ‘ugh’ about it.

Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson 

Summary: When an old schoolmate turns up at Arlene’s door asking questions about Jim Beverly, former quarterback and god of Possett High, Arlene’s decade-long break with her former hometown is forced to an end.

I’m thinking: Maybe (love the first line – ‘There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel’s, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.’).

Class Reunion by Rona Jaffe

Summary: a late-seventies university reunion story focused on a group of four friends.

I’m thinking: Yes. A trifecta – campus-lit; story about a group of friends; and almost eighties.

12 responses

  1. Can I put in a word for Frank Moorhouse? I read Grand Days long before blogging, but I’ve reviewed the third in this Edith trilogy and believe me, it is about much, much more than sexual awakening. It’s about a woman making her way in a man’s world, on the international stage of the new United Nations.
    To strengthen my plea, have a look at the first comment under my review … it’s from Jo Case, i.e. *the* Jo Case, see what she says about Moorhouse writing about women:

  2. I find Class Reunion pretty implausible based on people I know who were at the same college at approximately the same time; on the other hand, Rona was there too, so maybe she was just a lot more uninhibited. In any case, it’s fun to read about one’s alma mater and I enjoyed it when new

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