Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. I’m obsessed with caprese salad, so it stands to reason I’ll be obsessed with caprese skillet lasagne.

02. Eeek! Will be starting #20BooksofSummer tomorrow (my May reading took longer than expected).

03. Glad that I have Sally Rooney’s Normal People on my Summer Winter reading list because it’s being made into a tv series (book before show!).

04. New concerts et al. on my radar – Mozart’s Requiem and My Dad Wrote a Porno Live. I know, my tastes are broad.

05. Naomi tweeted a pic of the new Jessie Burton novel, The Confession. Soooo jealous!

06. Made it to another German Film Festival movie, this time a comedy – Der Vorname / How About Adolf? (no, a German comedy is not an oxymoron) – it was very funny.

07. Watching MotherFatherSon (in fact, I’m totally engrossed) and listening to The Shrink Next Door (ethical boundaries, anyone?)

08. A friend has just organised a weekend away for us. It’s so great not having to be Nicole (zoom ahead to the 2.35 mark of the video if you don’t know what a Nicole is).

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop by, say hi.

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