Lately – autumn edition

Enjoying: selecting my Easter holiday reading.

Listening: Slothrust (discovered via You’re the Worst) and new Teskey Brothers (they’re touring the US, UK and Europe this year – you should all go).

Making: salmon rillette. It’s easy and delicious.

Feeling: excited -it’s almost Eurovision season!

Needing: to get into better sleep habits – six hours a night isn’t cutting it.

Wishing: I could tick off everything on this list. Immediately.

Reading: Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak.

Watching: Derry Girls and After Life. Both brilliant.

Coveting: one of these water bottles (even though I have a million water bottles).

Wearing: D&G Light Blue Italian Zest (reminds me of my Sorrento holiday).

Anticipating: seeing some whales.

12 responses

    • I can’t cope on six hours either 😬

      I will review the Waldman. I pretty much review every book I read, even if it’s brief. That said, I’m sooooo behind on reviews at the moment, which wouldn’t bother me except that two I haven’t reviewed are my two five star reads so far this year – the longer I leave it, the harder it will be.

  1. Gutted I never got to do any whale watching trips on my holiday in NZ. First place we trie, there was a swell on the sea so none of the boats were running. Second time, we lost our way en route and arrived too late for the last boat of the day… Sob

    • Must admit I’m being greedy on the whale front.. went on a trip off the coast of New South Wales years ago and got a couple of sightings. Then, when we were in Hawaii a few years ago we saw dozens from the beach. Any I see on my next trip (if I’m lucky, they’ve only just started migrating) will be from the beach.

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