Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

01. I’m thinking about my beach-reading list. This was a good place to start (note that lots of these appear on the Best of the Best list).

02. Lots of this is Brit-focused but 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 16.

03. Art Deco amazingness.

04. Jennifer Lawrence as Agnes in the movie version of Burial Rites? I don’t know…

05. Here’s a gym I would want to visit regularly (because it has its own bar).

06. Christmas jumpers (sweaters) aren’t a thing in Australia. It’s usually 35°C on Christmas Day. We have Christmas rashies.

07. They’re letting us back again. Woohoo!

08. I have no need for this but I am curious – does anyone have one? Has it changed your life?

09. Sometimes I spot a recipe and I can’t think about anything else until I’ve made it. This.

10. And while we’re at it, this (might make a Christmas Day appearance I think).

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Stop by, say g’day.

8 responses

  1. I’ve never been to Mumbai but clearly I need to get there – art deco gorgeousness!

    I’m not sure about Jennifer Lawrence either. Maybe…

    Don Draper reading The Inferno on the beach remains one of the best things I’ve ever seen on TV 😀

  2. 03. I need to go there.
    04. I’m thinking no.
    05. or just skip the gym part?
    06. I wish I had known of this when I lived on the island of perpetual summer. Now I’m very much enjoying wearing all my ugly Christmas sweaters which are very appropriate for Iceland winter.
    07. Yes!
    10. Sounds delicious.

  3. That anxiety monitoring is… interesting. I am not sure how something in the waistband will really monitor that. If it genuinely works, it sounds amazing though.

    I don’t understand any of the ugly christmas things. I feel like it’s a fad that just went way, way out there.

  4. hmm I love Jennifer Lawrence but I’m not sure about her as Agnes either. I had no idea they’re making a movie though! Those salmon potato cakes look beyond amazing.

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