Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


01. So very sad to hear of the passing of Dick Bruna this week.

02. Although I never get tired of watching Bruna draw Miffy, he contributed so much more to the art of graphic design. If you can track down his biography by Joke Linders and Koosje Kierman, it’s well worth a read.

03. Where has February gone? Seriously, I feel like the kids have only just started school and yet suddenly uni is starting, winter sports training is beginning and people are talking about Easter holidays…

04. A funny article on #ALLTHEBOOKPRIZES

05. Hadn’t quite appreciated that the television version of Liane Moriarty’s Big Little Lies was to be set in California. Huh. Luckily Reese Witherspoon was ace.

06. Cast announcement for Foxtel’s reboot of Picnic at Hanging Rock. Not sure anyone will match Anne-Louise Lambert’s Miranda but will certainly watch when it goes to air.

07. I love this clip of Bruce and a fan (at recent concert in Brisbane).

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop by, say hi.

13 responses

  1. I say, where HAS February gone. The days just fly. We have lunch every Friday with my parents (96 and 87) and it seems like our last lunch was only a couple of days ago!

    Enjoyed your post, especially the Bruce Springsteen clip. Good in so many ways. If I remember correctly his Born in the USA was top song just as our son was born – in the USA. So, Springsteen is forever stuck in my mind.

    • The thing that always strikes me about Bruce is that he is a consistently generous performer – of course, the fans that follow him around the world know this, and that no two shows are ever the same, but he is so forthcoming with his audience and it makes for some special moments.

  2. February really did fly by. I had a package coming and it had an expected delivery date of March 3rd and I thought “THAT’S FOREVER” but it really isn’t. Ha. Reese WAS fantastic in Big Little Lies! I haven’t watched the second episode yet.

  3. I didn’t hear much about Big Little Lies other than that the first episode aired. Have all episodes aired? I gather it wasn’t AMAZING if people didn’t continue to rave about it.

    I’m the same re Picnic at Hanging Rock and a little sad they didn’t use Aussie actors given its Australian-ness!

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