2015: What I Read


Here’s my year in books (with thanks to the Goodreads record keeping tool):

I read 74 books in total. According to Goodreads, that’s 23,519 pages.

Of those, 53 were by female authors and 21 by male authors.

Seventeen books were by Australian authors (15 female authors and two male authors) and the rest were from America, England, Ireland, France, Canada and Mexico – I miss the translated reading challenge which had me reading more widely.

I read 58 books from authors that were new to me in 2015. My favourite new discovery was Jill Alexander Essbaum.

Of the 74 books I read, 29 were first published in 2015. My penchant for new releases obviously makes me nervous about my 2016 reading plans.

I read ten non-fiction books (six of which were memoirs). My favourite was The Empathy Exams by Leslie Jamison.

Of the books I read, only 13 were hardbacks (the rest were e-books) – I need to address that in 2016 and reduce the stacks sitting next to my bed.

I read mostly contemporary literature plus memoirs, historical fiction, a few books that fall into the lad-lit/chick-lit category and one YA novel.

I’m too scared to count how many books I bought. I do know how many books I have to read though (official post-Christmas number is 404).

Tomorrow I’ll post my 2015 Top Ten. I know you can’t wait.

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