Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


1. Holidays don’t really feel like holidays to me until I set foot on sand. And immerse myself in salty water. And now I’m on holiday… *relaxes*

2. And because I’m at the beach I won’t be blogging much. But I am reading lots. Don’t be too jealous, it’s been 40-44 degrees for five days straight.

3. While on the beach yesterday, this happened (a bushfire):

fire at mccrae

Wind shifted the fire and an hour later it was still not under control. The air was filled with smoke, sirens and people playing happily on the beach.

Our bushfire escape plan is basically ‘Leave everything, head for the beach’.

fire at mccrae-2

4. I did enjoy this piece on tips for writing a bad book review. I know some bloggers don’t, on principle, post bad reviews. Maybe those same people also stop reading books that they aren’t enjoying but I normally finish a book, no matter how bad. And if I’ve suffered through something, I like to share my pain. The meanest review I’ve written? Find it here. That said, if I haven’t enjoyed a book, I really try to make it clear why, not just ridicule* it.

5. Last week I asked for some TV series recommendations. We settled on Arrested Development, Parks & Recreation, Banshee and for shameful (not really) scripted-reality viewing, Made in Chelsea. We’re a few episodes into AD and P&R – both very funny and will continue. Haven’t started Banshee yet but have high hopes given that it is the work of Jonathan Tropper. And Made in Chelsea – I make no apologies, it’s all kinds of terrible-ace.

6. Saw Markus Zusak speak about The Book Thief movie last week. More to come (but hello, *author crush*).

7. This is good (in a horrible, remind-yourself-to-smell-the-roses-kinda-way). Watch it and then PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN.

Christine at Bookishly Boisterous started this meme – try it! You might like it! (It’s not just for bookish blogs).

*exception being Fifty Shades of Grey – that ‘review’ was just ridicule.

4 responses

    • Thanks! It’s bushfire season in Australia now – ours was minor compared to what’s happening in other areas – I have friends who have been evacuated from their homes over last few days – very frightening when you don’t know what you are returning to.

    • I really want to know people’s opinions, for better or worse, particularly from other readers whose opinion I trust.

      When I read reviews on Goodreads, I tend to seek out the one and five star reviews – I like to check out thoughts at opposite ends of the spectrum.

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