Charlotte Street by Danny Wallace


Charlotte Street by Danny Wallace has been in my TBR stack for a very long time. It’s a very long book. This is a very short review.

The story can be summed up with this*:

Except the main character is not a music teacher but an ex-teacher/would-be journalist named Jason Priestley (not that Jason Priestley) and the girl is some random chick he bumped into on Charlotte Street. She’s not blind.

There’s a disposable camera involved, a cast of excellent support characters, pizza-personality-analysis, video games, a brilliant engagement party scene and some bits that made me laugh out loud. But did I mention long (416 pages)? A one-hundred page chop would have made this book a whole lot snappier.

3/5 Is it going to be a film? I don’t know… I guess I could google it…. Anyway, it will be/would be an excellent rom-com.

*Let’s not ever forget how INSANE that film clip is.

7 responses

  1. I agree this would be a great movie! It was a fun book but I was frustrated by how insensitive the main character was. Cool story though, and like you, I really liked the supporting characters.

  2. Our thoughts were pretty much the same on this one. And yes, the film rights have been sold, whether or not it will actually be made into a movie is a different story…

    Of course, I liked the pizza analysis. I think I even assigned my own in my review.

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