Top Ten Tuesday – There’s a new book out by…

buy all the books meme

When John Irving released In One Person last year it received mixed advance reviews. I read them all but they didn’t stop me from pouncing on In One Person as soon as I was able. And I didn’t really like it which was disappointing because I’d waited for it for so long. But it didn’t matter because Irving is without question my favourite contemporary author and, if he suddenly began publishing his books on the back of boxes of Cheerios, then I’d be an overnight Cheerios eater.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is ‘Authors On My Auto-Buy List’. It’s not just Irving –

1. John Irving – goes without saying!

2. Charlotte Wood – for her keen observations and dry humour.

3. Jonathan Tropper – because he can make me laugh out loud and burst into tears withing the space of a page.

4. Sonya Hartnett – writes with a delicacy that is rare (if you’re into YA you must read Butterfly).

5. Judy Blume – because Judy always knows the right things to say.

6. Tony Parsons – Parsons is my reading equivalent of comfort food.

and then there is a group of authors whose debuts I thoroughly enjoyed, so much so that I am already looking forward to what they’ll do next –

7. Chad Harbach

8. Amber Dermont

9. Lisa Klaussman

10. Matthew Norman

11. Emily Perkins

12. Suzanne Rindell

13. Maggie Shipstead

14. Christine Sneed

Okay, that was a few more than ten. But for those authors in the second part of my list, know that you can count on a guaranteed sale when you publish your next book.

16 responses

  1. Judy Blume, I don’t think she can do any wrong. Irving is of course on my list as well (no surprise), I’ve only had two of his I didn’t care for – In One Person and The Fourth Hand. I’m interested to see if Harbach can top The Art of Fielding. And Dermont, Klaussman, and Shipstead – yes, though I try very hard to dislike Maggie Shipstead. She is far too young to be such a talented writer.

  2. I love Judy Blume. She was one of those authors that I’d beg my mother to buy me when I was younger. The number of times I read and reread her books… more than I can count.

  3. I didn’t include Irving on my list because he’s one of those I enjoy, but don’t buy very often only to wonder a few years later when the last book I read. LOL! Yes Judy Blume! You can’t go wrong with her.

  4. I too am an Irving fangirl — but early Irving, not later. For me the best are: Garp, Hotel New Hampshire, The 158-Pound Marriage, The Water-Method Man. In no particular order. I need to re-read Cider House Rules and read Owen Meany. Perhaps this year.

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