Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’m Thankful For

This is it folks – the only time you’re likely to see Henry James and Judith Krantz mentioned in the same list.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new ‘top ten’ challenge is posted – anyone can join in. This week’s topic is Top Ten (or in my case, eight) Authors I’m Thankful For.

1. John Irving – master story-teller and the creator of the most memorable characters.

2. Judy Blume – for everything.

3. E. L. James – for providing my girlfriends and I with SO MANY laughs whilst reading aloud. For the record, reading FSoG in a monotone has become my girls-weekend-away-party-trick.

4. Charlotte Wood – not only a beautiful writer but an awesome recommender of books.

5. Joyce Lankester Brisley – because Milly Molly Mandy stories were the first books that I read under the covers by torch-light. I just couldn’t put them down. I was six.

6. Henry James – for writing stories that had me engrossed me in classic literature from a young(ish) age.

7. Judith Krantz – for teenage flashlight worthy sagas.

8. Gretchen Rubin – for writing The Happiness Project, the book that got me blogging (the book gave me ‘permission’ to spend more time doing the things I love – reading, writing and swimming).

5 responses

  1. My baby, who’s two, is Grey. I cringe a little every time we call him by his nickname “Mr. Grey”. Thank you, E. L. James. And Judy Blume defined my younger years. Of course John Irving is on my list. I really need to give you a SK novel…

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