It’s been so long…


Oh, how I laughed when I read the topic for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Books That Have Been On Your Shelf (Or TBR) From Before You Started Blogging That You STILL Haven’t Read Yet. Jamie at The Broke and the Bookish notes that it’s sad that she’s had some books for six years and still hasn’t read them…. Six years? Pfft. One of the books on my list has been sitting next to my bed for fourteen years. Continue reading

Miles Franklin Award – longlist 2012

I love hearing who are the contenders for particular literary awards – partly to check out what I’ve read and partly to see what I should read.

The longlist for the Miles Franklin Award 2012 was announced this morning. I’m gunning for Charlotte Wood’s Animal People, a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

And I’ve moved Elliot Perlman’s The Street Sweeper and Alex Miller’s Autumn Laing up my reading list.