Top Ten Tuesday – Books That Make You Think

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new ‘top ten’ challenge is posted – anyone can join in. This week’s topic is the ‘Top Ten Books That Make You Think (About The World, People, Life, etc.)’. Well,  I had a long, hard think about the books that made me think. Here’s my list (not quite ten!):

1. & 2.  Beautiful Boy by David Sheff – the most moving, terrifying (true) story I have read in years. If you are a parent, you must read Beautiful Boy – it changed my perception of drug addiction and how families manage an addict. If you can stomach it, read Nic Sheff’s companion story, Tweak (equally harrowing). Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday – Australian Modern Literature

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new ‘top ten’ challenge is posted – anyone can join in. This week’s topic is a ‘freebie‘ – book bloggers can go crazy on their pet topic.

I tossed around a few ideas for a theme – I love all things Art Deco and 1920s and I’m also always drawn to stories set in New York or New England – strong possibilities for my top ten. However, from my observation, most of the bloggers participating in Top Ten Tuesday live in the US so I figured this week’s ‘freebie’ was the perfect opportunity to wave the flag for some talented Australian authors (with a particular focus on books that have been published in recent years). Here’s my top ten: Continue reading