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Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts


01. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my 9yo daughter had a ‘to-do’ list. I’m pleased to report that she sat in the car yesterday knitting, blowing bubbles and listening to Cantonese CDs (thanks to my lovely friend, Sam, we’ve got the ‘knitting sticks’ out and we’re both knitting together).

02. Went to the always-brilliant Little Big Shots festival this week (it’s an international film festival for kids). My fave this year – Bunny New Girl.

03. My attempt to read predominantly from the books in my TBR stack is going extremely well but I have been contemplating how to extend it beyond this year and still support the publishing industry. I very much like Lizzy’s approach to book buying – purchase allowance = (books read + books culled) / 5. Genius.

04. Can’t wait for this new series.

05. And while I’m on things to watch on the small box, how about this?!

06. So hope this turns into a world tour…

07. More music, this to make you laugh.

08. Why didn’t someone tell me about Swim Trek sooner?

09. Everyone in Australia will be watching Barracuda this week, right?

10. People* may not have liked Bridget’s last venture but who cares? This looks tops:

*not me

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop over and say hi.

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