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You haven’t seen The Sound of Music? Who are you?

My husband grew up in a pop-culture vacuum. I’m not quite sure how it happened but while the rest of us were committing the Grease soundtrack to memory and eagerly awaiting the next John Hughes movie, he was doing I-have-no-idea-what.

We regularly have conversations about movies that go like this:

Me: Have you seen X?
Him: No.
Me: Seriously? Are you sure?
Him: Yes and yes.
Me: But then how does X, Y and Z have any context for you?
Him: It doesn’t.
Me: *……*

When I discovered he hadn’t seen The Sound of Music I almost had to reconsider our whole relationship. Honestly.

And the list kept growing. In fact, thinking of movies that defined the 70s/80s/90s that he hasn’t seen has almost became a party game. Note, they’re not necessarily good movies, but they’re ones that you’d almost have to work hard to avoid.

So, at the expense of my husband, here are ten movies (apart from The Sound of Music) that he hasn’t seen (that everyone else in the world has):

01. Heathers
02. Grease (seen a few key scenes but hasn’t watched the whole thing)
03. Pretty in Pink (and Sixteen Candles)
04. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off*
05. Flashdance
06. Dirty Dancing
07. Revenge of the Nerds
08. the Rocky series
09. Stand By Me
10. Top Secret

Honourable mentions to:  Fast Times at Ridgemont High; Risky Business; Footloose; Fatal Attraction, LaBamba, Wayne’s World and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

*has since seen it


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