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Bookish (and not so bookish) Thoughts

1. I’m still in two minds about Go Set a Watchman. I have a copy… But the whole situation just doesn’t sit right with me. And the news of a third book by Harper Lee made be all the more uncomfortable.

2. So last week I saw Magic Mike XXL. Don’t judge. If you’ve seen it, you’ll understand that the film is a satire – without a plot, in the traditional sense. Or a script that was worked on for more than half an hour. It’s basically a soundtrack, with bare chests, fire phobias, nods to Flashdance, level 3 Reiki healers, Backstreet Boys and artisanal pro-biotic fro-yo.

3. And the “How much for the Cheetos and water” scene is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in years.

4. Actually, so many seminal moments in Magic Mike XXL it’s hard to know where to begin. Thankfully the people who wrote this article channeled all my thoughts.

5. Am I going straight to hell for talking more about Magic Mike than Go Set a Watchman?

6. I basically want #ALLTHETHINGS at Leif. Especially this and some of these and these (for stirring sangria, obvs).

7. While I’m on the topic of sangria, here’s my favourite recipe (via my friend, Edwina) –

Bottle of red (Merlot works well)
3 cups chilled lemonade
1 cup chilled fresh OJ
3 tblsp Cointreau (sometimes a little more than that accidentally goes in)
1 orange, sliced into small wedges
handful of mint
2 cups of ice
Cubed Granny Smith apple, optional

Stir with whatever the hell you can find, or a sangria spoon* if you’re lucky enough to own one.

8. Cosplay for food.

9. It’s been around for years but Tiger and Turtle is on my to-do list for my next big trip** to Germany.

Bookish Thoughts is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. Pop over and say hi.

* Long story, don’t ask.
** No actual trip is scheduled but it will happen.


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