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Lately (winter edition)

Making: Bloody Mary Beef – I have an immense amount of respect for the work Jamie Oliver does with beef brisket.
Drinking: Applewood Økar – it’s a bit summery for June but no one’s looking, so…
Reading: Cereal magazine – the pictures… stunning.

Listening: Heathers the Musical soundtrack. I’m still laughing.
Watching: Indian Summers.
Anticipating: floating. I’m either going to love it or hate it.
Smelling: right this second? Jacket potatoes cooking. The butter and sour cream awaits.
Enjoying: Oxford Dictionaries blog.
Loving: my 9yo daughter’s holiday to-do list: “Learn to knit. Learn to speak Cantonese. Learn to blow a bubble with bubblegum.” Aim high, I always say.
Needing: to settle on some study plans for next year.
Coveting: everything at Atelier Stella.
Feeling: despair – the Brexit result and the threat of Trump really adds up to things heading in a very, very bad direction.
Wishing: Australia could take the spare spot in the EU. We are in Eurovision, so it’s really a logical step.
Wearing: silver boots. Finally.
Wanting: an uninterrupted hour so that I can finish The Girls by Emma Cline.
Aiming: to get my ankle injury sorted so that I can get back into my walking routine.
Bookmarking: Hong Kong (again) – we have a plan for 2017.

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