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Sample Saturday – newish releases

Sample Saturday is when I wade through the eleventy billion samples I have downloaded on my Kindle. I’m slowly chipping away and deciding whether it’s buy or bye.

This week, some new(ish) releases that have caught my eye –

Bluebird by Malcolm Knox

Summary: The Lodge is perched impossibly on a cliff overlooking the stunning, iconic Bluebird Beach. The house, like those who live in it, is falling apart.

I’m thinking: Maybe (I think I’m still carrying some disappointment over Wonder Lover).

The Labyrinth by Amanda Lohrey

Summary: Erica Marsden’s son, an artist, has been imprisoned for a monstrous act of revenge. Trapped in her grief, Erica retreats to a sleepy coastal hamlet where she obsesses over building a labyrinth.

I’m thinking: Yes, for the opening lines –

Let me begin in my father’s house. I grew up in an asylum…

The Morbids by Ewa Ramsey

Summary: Caitlin is convinced she’s going to die. She deals with these thoughts by working, self-medicating with alcohol, and attending a support group for people with death-related anxiety (the Morbids). When her best friend announces she’s getting married in Bali, Caitlin must face her fears.

I’m thinking: Yes. Can’t resist a story that starts with Dr. Google.

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